How to make steel conan exiles
How to make steel conan exiles

how to make steel conan exiles

Hardened steel bar (steel ingot of adamandine strength) will give you even more powerful equipment and weapons in Conan Exiles. First up, you need two steel bars, which you can get by crafting the Cauldron with x50 Iron Bars and x25 Twine. Steel is not a material you can find naturally in the game environment.

how to make steel conan exiles

To collect brimstone, you have to go to certain parts of the world map. No, to obtain steel you will have to obtain steelfires that can be obtained with tar and brimstone. You need to make Steelfire, which you can do … How to make steel bars in Conan Exiles : Once you have your steelfire, place it in your furnace with iron rods in addition to the fuel. To go even further, know that from the steel bars you can get an even more powerful resource, the hardened steel bar that you can get in the furnace with two steel bars and a piece of brimstone. There is one of these hidden subtleties that you absolutely must discover and that you can exploit in the field once you become familiar with it. Once, you’ve made your new material, you’ll be able to use it at the Armorsmith. You need to make Steelfire, which you can do by mixing Tar, Brimstone and fuel in your Cauldron. Steel and Black Ice become Hardened Steel now! Wiki Conan Exiles how to get steel and make steel bars. Each time you turn a skin into hide / leather, then the tannery will generate tar at the same time. We recommend the desert to the west which is one of the areas richest in brimstone.

How to make steel conan exiles