Kotor 2 goto ship count
Kotor 2 goto ship count

However, Atris' beliefs were challenged during the events of the Mandalorian War and the Jedi Civil War, leaving her in an emotional turmoil that she never fully recovered from. In the beginning, she had an idealistic view of the Jedi that bordered on fanaticism: she believed that the Jedi were the perfect guardians of the galaxy and she did not tolerate any criticism directed towards them.

  • Black-and-White Insanity: To Atris, everything is either good or evil with nothing in between.
  • It's implied this might be more literal than it sounds.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: With the male Exile, where her dialogue comes across as that of a jilted lover.
  • kotor 2 goto ship count

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Her "authority" is self-titled, but she proves near the end of the game that she has the combat skills requisite to the title Jedi Master.
  • However, according to supplementary materials, Atris is a regular human Jedi who is unrelated to them at all.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Her hair, face, eyes and clothes make her look almost exactly like an older version of her Handmaidens, which may make the player assume she is an Echani too.
  • Ironically, Kreia's manipulations and Force camouflage abilities meant that Atris repeatedly failed to see the evil deeds of her worst enemy when they were right in front of her.

    kotor 2 goto ship count

    While Atris championed the Jedi Code to a black-and-white degree, Kreia had made a life quest out of questioning it to find higher knowledge.

  • Arch-Enemy: Her words during the Exile's trial make clear that she considered Kreia the antithesis of everything Atris represented within the Jedi Order.
  • Ancient Keeper: She was the head of the Jedi Archives and has spent the last few years hidden away with holocrons and other artifacts.
  • Especially if you don't punish her in a Light Side run: she's taken aback at your mercy, still desiring to see herself as your moral superior yet knowing she wouldn't have been merciful enough to do the same in your place.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Despite her insufferably Holier Than Thou demeanor, she becomes pitable after you defeat her, as it only highlights that all she ever believed in, both as a Jedi and as a fallen Jedi, has been destroyed.
  • That's only what she thinks, though - she has already fallen to the Dark Side.
  • Above Good and Evil: Having decided that Jedi and Sith have become the same thing, she intends to be the one who draws the line between both.
  • While she and the Exile used to be good friends, she supported the Exile's banishment from the Jedi Order. One of the last surviving members of the Jedi Council. "All this collected knowledge, all these teachings of combat and the Force - they are mine to command."

    Kotor 2 goto ship count